Installation and configuration of telecommunications systems

We put the telecommunications systems into operation in our client's new plant, complying with pharmaceutical industry standards and international regulations, overcoming implementation challenges in this industry.

We face strict safety and health guidelines from the Mexican government due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The company had to solve design problems and meet international standards that the previous integrating company had not achieved. In addition, we are able to certify your staff in the required brands.
We installed and configured the CCTV, intercom and perimeter security systems, which had been purchased by another integrating company. The CCTV system was configured to detect movement and lost objects in administrative areas and clean areas, complying with pharmaceutical industry standards. The French-technology perimeter system allowed real-time surveillance without the need for personnel at each point. The intercom system guaranteed clear communication between outdoor areas and clean areas. Our team worked together to overcome the project's challenges.
We solve design problems and comply with standards, improving the operation of telecommunications systems. Although the access control system was not implemented due to short times and the lack of definition of areas, the main objectives were successfully achieved.
The project presented significant challenges due to the advanced stage in which we were involved. We demonstrate our ability to solve design problems and telecommunications systems, evidencing the knowledge, availability and ability of your equipment to overcome obstacles.
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