Implementation of Airport Management and Operation Systems.

In collaboration with Amadeus and Vision Box, we implement and support passenger processing systems with biometric technology at an airport in Mexico.

Adapting to the deadlines of the builder's project to complete the implementation on time and providing local and remote support to the operator's personnel (operations and IT) was a big challenge.
We supply and implement airport management and operation systems such as AODB, RMS, FIDS, ACUS, CUSS, APP, WEB, KI, MSI and PMO. We use Amadeus solutions for resource management and passenger processing, and Vision Box for biometric check-in at desks, automatic document verification and automatic boarding. This allows passengers a contactless and automated boarding experience using a digital token that validates their identity through facial scanning at different airport checkpoints.
“It was a great challenge to successfully manage the technical, supervisory and project teams of Amadeus in Houston, Australia and other parts of the world, of Vision Box in Portugal, and of the rest of the IT integrators for the timely delivery of the technical documentation of the project, as well as the configuration, testing and training of the system.”
We complete the implementation, configuration and testing of the systems in a timely manner as directed by the builder. We maintain local and remote application support, allowing the operator to manage operations and passenger processing with airlines. Passengers enjoy an automated and efficient boarding experience, making it easy to enter waiting and boarding lounges.
Being part of the team for the implementation of these systems was a great experience for us. We lead and coordinate the efforts of major companies that implemented IT solutions at this airport. We will continue to develop businesses in this important vertical to support the development of the industry in Mexico.
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